rockstar before!

I have been meaning to do a kids edition forever. Originally I wanted to do a group of girls, but I never got around to it. But it just so happen that I needed to babysit Hennessey last minute and she asked for a photo session. She said that she wanted to be featured on here. LOL. So we played dress up and dipped into grown women stuff. She is really cute! and Sassy!
It's funny how we were so desperate to grow up when we were kids. Playing "grown-up" and wearing our parents clothing. I remember wearing my momma's dress, heels, blush and lipstick to walk around the block as a youngster. Hoping that I looked older and more mature.
But now as we are older, we are desperately trying to reverse time and regain our youth. The beauty industry has monopolized on our insecurities and even help create new ones. With photoshopped photos of flawless women and men being fed to us daily, we are led to believe that this is how we should look, and for a small price, we too can look as beautiful.
According to a report released by the YWCA called "Beauty at Any Cost," American women spend about $7billion dollars annually on beauty products. Which equates to $100 monthly for each women in the states! This total doesn't even include how much is spent on cosmetic surgery. Isn't is crazy? I rarely have that much to save a month.
Pink is her color, thank GOD, cause I just happened to have hella pink stuff lying around my apartment. I decided that we were gonna give her a Candyland theme and that she ruled this candy kingdom. LOL! I also decided that her look would be a play on little girls being cute and dabbling in their momma's thangs! Basically, she was me at 6!
I slicked it into a tight ponytail with some gel. I then applied mouse through out her ponytail and curled strands with a 1/2 inch curling iron. You should form some sort of strong foundation so you can stack the curls on top of so it securely. I make almost a bunk-like thing of pin-curls, then I roll and tuck curls randomly through out over that. Letting some hang and so forth, you are the creator and do it based off of your personal aesthetic. And of course, make sure to spray that bad boy down, especially with the children, they like to fuss and do all kinds of madness.
It's funny how we were so desperate to grow up when we were kids. Playing "grown-up" and wearing our parents clothing. I remember wearing my momma's dress, heels, blush and lipstick to walk around the block as a youngster. Hoping that I looked older and more mature.
But now as we are older, we are desperately trying to reverse time and regain our youth. The beauty industry has monopolized on our insecurities and even help create new ones. With photoshopped photos of flawless women and men being fed to us daily, we are led to believe that this is how we should look, and for a small price, we too can look as beautiful.
According to a report released by the YWCA called "Beauty at Any Cost," American women spend about $7billion dollars annually on beauty products. Which equates to $100 monthly for each women in the states! This total doesn't even include how much is spent on cosmetic surgery. Isn't is crazy? I rarely have that much to save a month.
Pink is her color, thank GOD, cause I just happened to have hella pink stuff lying around my apartment. I decided that we were gonna give her a Candyland theme and that she ruled this candy kingdom. LOL! I also decided that her look would be a play on little girls being cute and dabbling in their momma's thangs! Basically, she was me at 6!
I slicked it into a tight ponytail with some gel. I then applied mouse through out her ponytail and curled strands with a 1/2 inch curling iron. You should form some sort of strong foundation so you can stack the curls on top of so it securely. I make almost a bunk-like thing of pin-curls, then I roll and tuck curls randomly through out over that. Letting some hang and so forth, you are the creator and do it based off of your personal aesthetic. And of course, make sure to spray that bad boy down, especially with the children, they like to fuss and do all kinds of madness.
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