You are never too old to play in playgrounds and you can never be too fabulous while playing in them!!!!! These pictures totally captures my cousin Daeng's personality. She is no stranger to my blog and will be featured in many more of them. So get use to the face.
If anyone knows her, knows that she is the sweetest person. The type of person who will do anything and everything for the people she loves. She is super goofy and is pretty much an overgrown kid. Have you ever heard of that expression; "act your age and not your shoe size?" Well, Daeng is the poster child for that saying. But when it comes down to business, she is headstrong and fierce at what ever she does!!!! Her sense of fashion is amazing! We are totally in sync when it comes to creating looks. She is my partner in crime. I am the crazy wild one, and she reels me back in... just a little bit.
This look is a very simple one to recreate. I sprayed her hair with Regis "Workable Hold" hairspray as a brushed it into a pony-tail. I tied the pony-tail at the top corner of her head. You can choose to place it anywhere really. Just depending on the outfit and the occasion, you could set different tones with this hairstyle with the buns placement.
I wrapped some tracks of hair around the pony-tail and secured it with bobby pins. Adding hair isn't necessary, but I wanted to make the pony-tail thicker. I curled all of the hair with an 1 inch curling iron. I again sprayed the hair with hairspray and backcombed the curls. I pinned them into a bun-like shape. I went through and pulled certain pieces out a bit, so it wasn't too structured and more natural looking.
If anyone knows her, knows that she is the sweetest person. The type of person who will do anything and everything for the people she loves. She is super goofy and is pretty much an overgrown kid. Have you ever heard of that expression; "act your age and not your shoe size?" Well, Daeng is the poster child for that saying. But when it comes down to business, she is headstrong and fierce at what ever she does!!!! Her sense of fashion is amazing! We are totally in sync when it comes to creating looks. She is my partner in crime. I am the crazy wild one, and she reels me back in... just a little bit.
This look is a very simple one to recreate. I sprayed her hair with Regis "Workable Hold" hairspray as a brushed it into a pony-tail. I tied the pony-tail at the top corner of her head. You can choose to place it anywhere really. Just depending on the outfit and the occasion, you could set different tones with this hairstyle with the buns placement.
I wrapped some tracks of hair around the pony-tail and secured it with bobby pins. Adding hair isn't necessary, but I wanted to make the pony-tail thicker. I curled all of the hair with an 1 inch curling iron. I again sprayed the hair with hairspray and backcombed the curls. I pinned them into a bun-like shape. I went through and pulled certain pieces out a bit, so it wasn't too structured and more natural looking.
Sista Daeng looks splendiferiously divine! Love it!