The Wig:
You have to cover the individual or a mannequin first with paper towel, and then a layer of Saran Wrap. You are doing this to protect the real hair from the glue when you are making the wig. I then put on a stocking cap over the head, making sure to not cover the ears. You want to start from the base of the head. Take the track of hair, measure it along head and cut it at the desired width. apply the glue onto the track and place it on the stocking cap. Make sure to blow dry the glue so it sets faster. Start stacking one track on top of the next. Eventually you'll be making a horse shoe shape as you glue. Stop this as you get to the crown, cause from here, you are gonna start laying and gluing the hair the way you want it parted at the top.
Hair Style:
I cut her hair into a angle forward bob and some fringed bangs. I also razored a lot innerlayers to take away the bulk. Then I finished the style with the flat iron and a little silk drops from Regis Design Line
I love the wig :D